- Respect, like any other non-profit organization, is the core value on which Shiksha Amrit carries out its operations.
- Integrity is where we excel and is part of our work culture – be it volunteering, project management, government compliance or reporting.
- Excellence is what we look forward to achieve in everything we do.
- Our core value of excellence ensures that we educate and train underprivileged bright minds to achieve excellence.
- Commitment is a must for any nation-profit organization to realise the social impact, and the case is no different for us.
Our Core Values
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Our Core Values and Guiding Principles

Supporting beneficiaries without compromising their dignity and to make them self-reliant.

Our focus is always on effective social impact, and it goes beyond the numbers. For us, impact is important than the impressive numbers.

Once a project is initiated, it doesn’t halt, regardless of the hardships we face. Our projects have a 100% completion rate. For our small bunch of volunteers, the motto is not to give up and keep going till we achieve the target.

Law Abiding
We are proud to introduce ourselves as 100% compliant organisation, operating unders stringent norms prescribed under Non Governmental Organisations Act and Income Tax Acts.

We are accountable for our actions and decisions, primarily to the community we serve, and also to funding agencies, the government, staff and volunteers, members, partner organizations, and the public at large.

We are transparent in dealings with the government, the public, donors, partners, beneficiaries, and any other interested parties.