Free Education Sessions

The most critical support that the Shiksha Amrit Foundation provides to the underprivileged students in the form of Free Education Sessions. We believe that no student should be deprived of proper education due to lack of money, nutrition or regressive societal conditioning.


When we began our work, most of the children in higher grades were not able to read and write.  Today, 10 students who cleared HSC and 12 students who passed SSC exams stand testimony to our efforts and social impact.

Supplementary Nutrition

One of the biggest reasons why underprivileged students leave school is hunger. Our efforts have helped reduce the dropout rate by 60%. Providing children with proper nutrition after our sessions has led to increased attendance and lesser sick leaves. Well-fed minds are always open to learning.


A very big reason for the underprivileged students dropping out of schools is the lack of supportive funds. Due to the efforts of Shiksha Amrit Foundation till date, 55 girls and 35 boys have been prevented from dropping out of school due to lack of funds. A small gesture of care and love goes a long way in ensuring a proper future for these students.

School Kits

We also provide complete school kits to the students coming under our care. Uniforms, shoes, school bags, stationery and books, all are provided by us. We believe in providing all-around growth for children whose responsibility is bestowed upon us. A student should be well equipped to feel right about his academic surroundings. By virtue of our efforts, we ensure that every student gets an equal chance at everything.

Developmental activity

We intend to provide holistic growth to the underprivileged students and children. For this, our organization conducts many developmental activities like weekly sports and cultural events. We also hold a monthly workshop on the themes of health, education; know your country, rights and duties etc.

Help us continue to reach more children with safety, support and recovery

Help us reach more children to make them educated and self-reliant. Every year, your generosity helps many children improve their health, education and goals though us. With your helping hand, they reach out to future with confidence, hope and dreams.